Saturday, December 13, 2014

Shattering Shake Up!

Hey. Quick sudden unannounced departure! A very temporary one, I can assure you. I want to make sure I get to see all old comrades before we hope on this crazy heist thing and Moth's shattering (Referenced here!) is probably my best chance to do that in one day so I'm gonna go hit that real quick. I should be a day tops if that!

Plus it gives me an opportunity to go kick Nat's ass. The rematch is on and this time it won't end in a draw!

So yeah. That's the jest of it. I'm gonna be going to a personal event for a day. I'm not even gonna bother with a return post. I'll probably just comment on this post to let everyone know I'm back.

Unless I die or something. But even then I won't be writing that post for fuck it!

My best regards! I won't be long.

Keep a song in your hearts!

Ivan out!

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