Wednesday, August 27, 2014


First a quick prayer:

Master keep me, Fire guide me, 
I charge forward to fight the foe just beyond me,
For if I don't strike they'll find and consume me.

Vast Barren Silence, hear me. My light will expunge thee.

This compulsion compels me so they'll know how to resist ye.
And thus I write.

Fos tin Katharí

Heart warming isn't it? Fate favors the faithful. This I know, for I always tell me so.

My grammar are so good.

Rambling. I should stop rambling.

I'm taking a trip. I'm not really supposed to leave the Courier... compound thing but apparently the Free Market is under new management. If this is to be believed, shittier management than I could have ever fucking dreamed. I mean, don't get me wrong. Nat is a solid pick to head up the now all female roster of insanely hateful bitches that run the Free Market's sub-Divisions. Sloth, however, is a shitty pick for anything that puts him over another living soul. I know I will not be taking a knee out of loyalty in presence of the Betrayer. I give the fucker a week before someone slices his throat open and leaves him face down in a ditch. Not even a Godddes could hope to save that shit head. Hes in way over his head.

Anyways, I figure I can take advantage of this development to go visit my sister Navi. Shes the filthy runner Picasso and Moth picked up from Black lake. The one who helped them destroy the place.

She was supposed to be being kept at home for safety or some shit but since she killed Dad and Mom is on the loose I think she might actually be safer joining the family business. So here's hoping that goes over well.

If anyone needs anything, let me know. The courier gig comes first. I'll come running back like a bat nose diving back into hell.

Oh, and Rat Fuck I would like to take this moment to remind you that I've had sex. Eat a dick.

Ivan out.


  1. You fucking touch him and I'll chop your balls off and make you eat them. I'd think Navi's brother would have more sense.

    1. If I was gonna kill the son of a bitch, I would have done it after the Mad Doctor fiasco.

      As hated as he is, it'll only be a matter of time before some else does it for me anyways.

    2. Like hell. No one's touching him.

  2. He seems capable enough.

    He doesn't seem to have any direction at the moment, but that's always the case with something new.

    1. Lack of direction might be the least of his problems if hes facing a potential mutiny.
