Sunday, October 5, 2014


It's important that I note, at this time, a mistake on this blog on my part. Small, but major, as it turns out. Originally the sidebar had our email listed as ''. This was an incorrect address. The proper one is '', minus the 's' at the end of service. It is my error and I apologize for it, as it may have impeded potential clients from contacting us for deliveries. Hopefully, now that this has been corrected, our service will take off some. We shall see.

In addition to this, I hope to bring a number of updates I had promised previously to this blog by tonight or tomorrow's end. Work has taken away from my ability to attend to this blog, but no longer. There will be a suggested/available items list up shortly, along with terms of service that elaborate in more detail as to what we do, and what we don't do. Sanna's comment on Ellen's most recent post has helped me to see that we must be clear not just on what we are, but on what we aren't, as well. Not that I mistook your half-joke for serious, my dear. Nonetheless, it needs to be addressed. Thank you for the assistance.

Also to come are status updates on our current, outgoing deliveries. Ellen is en route to meet with Ember with the supplies taken from our private stock, and Mari and Jeresy are being prepped for their own mission while I await correspondence from Gray. We have accepted his request to deliver paint to him, and I believe Maritza and Jersey are my operatives most fit to take on this job, masquerading as friends of Gray's for the benefit of his mother. That will be updated soon.


I have recently seen a stray kitten, running around the grounds of our base of operations. An orange tabby, to be precise. I do not know if it has a home, but I doubt it. Our base is located several miles from any town, home, or place of business. It must have traveled a very long way to get here. So as to ensure it's good health, I have placed cat food outside where I have seen it frequently. I have decided to call it Alex.


I have no idea why I felt the need to share that.



  1. I was going to ask if you knew it was a boy or girl before you named it, but I guess Alex is unisex anyway. Names that begin with Alex are the best. Trust me; my full name is Alexandria.

    Also, get a laser thing for cats, and point it at Alex's paws or just in front of their paws. You won't regret it. It's glorious.

    Take it the vet, see if it has an owner, Google lost cats in your area, if nothing comes of it, you should adopt it. Kittens are cute. I had one once who liked to just sit on my keyboard but she disappeared. Also had a bunny which died by the hands of my stepdad. Gave me a fear of Swiss Army knives forever.

    Anyway, glad to help out, even if through a joke.

    1. Its a girl Sanna. There is no such thing as male tabbies. On the rare occasion when they do happen they die very young.

    2. I thought most orange tabby cats were male? My neighbour had a male orange tabby (he were called Stanley. Used to fight with the brown cat across the road.) I know Calicos are usually girls, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case for tabbies.

      Unless this is some grand metaphor I can't understand.

    3. Orange cats are almost always male. Calico cats are almost always female. There are exceptions to both. Tabbies are common among both sexes.

  2. Can't wait to get a free dinner.

    Wait, we have a cat now? Why do we have a cat!?

    Also there are far too many Alex's as it is, just saying.

  3. This side of you left out food for a cat. Remember it Malcolm, and you can always be yourself. I'll remember for you if you cannot. Only one of us is allowed to succumb to the darkness at a time, or else there will be no one to pull us out. I'll get to the email now.

  4. You may wish to be more careful to keep things hidden that you do not wish revealed.
